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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Delta Omega Chapter

Supreme in Service....Since 1921
Ivy Community Foundation
The Ivy Community Foundation, Incorporated (ICF) seeks to provide services for girls, women, and their families to raise their present standing in Petersburg, Virginia and adjacent areas. It will provide opportunities to:
Promote the educational advancement of girls, women and their families.
Identify and assist in community problems concerning girls, women and their families.
Enhance their social status in the community.
Obtain and maintain a building for the purpose of planning and providing public programs to achieve the purpose stated.
The Ivy Community Foundation Incorporation was organized May 7, 2001 and has 501(c)3 status. The organization is an outgrowth of the Building, Property and Investment Committee of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®, Delta Omega Chapter.
The Foundation’s theme is “Bridging the Gap." The Foundation has tremendous potential for impact in the Tri-cities area. Programs are in keeping with and related to fulfilling the mission of the Foundation.
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